Kerjasama Unilever dengan PTS Muhammadiyah ITB dan Ahmad Dahlan dalam Sinergi Pendidikan

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Kerjasama Unilever dengan PTS Muhammadiyah ITB dan Ahmad Dahlan dalam Sinergi Pendidikan

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Muhammadiyah Institute of Technology and Business (ITB) Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta and Unilever Indonesia have agreed on a collaboration to promote entrepreneurship, education, as well as the protection and empowerment of women who are victims of sexual violence, incest, and domestic violence.

This synergy was formalized through the signing of a Long-Term Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding for a period of four years on Tuesday (21/11/2023). The series of activities under this collaboration will be carried out by the Center for Islamic, Women, and Development Studies (PSIPP) at ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta.

Established in 2019, PSIPP ITB Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta focuses on studying gender equality and justice in both academic and non-academic settings.

The long-term collaboration, which aims to reach thousands of people, is a continuation of the partnership between Muhammadiyah and Unilever Indonesia that began in 2020.

Ira Noviarti, President Director of Unilever Indonesia, said that the collaboration is a concrete step in their commitment to advance Indonesia towards empowerment and prosperity through partnerships with trusted organizations.

Furthermore, Unilever Indonesia has been in Indonesia for almost 90 years and has a series of programs dedicated to the Indonesian people, one of which is promoting youth entrepreneurship and combating sexual violence against women and children.

“Youth entrepreneurship and gender justice are two things that we continuously strive for through various policies, programs, and partnerships. We warmly welcome this collaboration, which is based on the shared mission of these two organizations to contribute to society as a whole. God willing, this collaboration will bring many positive benefits to Indonesia,” she said in a written statement on Tuesday (21/11/2023).

Meanwhile, Yayat Sujatna, Rector of Muhammadiyah Institute of Technology Ahmad Dahlan, welcomed the collaboration because it aligns with their vision and mission with Unilever Indonesia, namely to continue providing positive benefits to the Indonesian people, especially in producing young generations who are proficient in entrepreneurship and empowerment of women.

“The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding today covers a long-term collaboration (4 years) between Unilever Indonesia and Muhammadiyah Institute of Technology Ahmad Dahlan Jakarta for the implementation of Catur Dharma Muhammadiyah Higher Education: Education and Teaching, Research, Community Service, and Strengthening of Islam and Muhammadiyah,” added Yayat.