Gibran Mendorong Kemudahan Pendanaan untuk Industri Kreatif Generasi Muda

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Gibran Mendorong Kemudahan Pendanaan untuk Industri Kreatif Generasi Muda

Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the vice presidential candidate number two from the Koalisi Indonesia Maju, emphasized the importance of supporting the creative economic industry by providing easy financing facilities. He stated that the creative economic industry has grown rapidly during the Covid-19 pandemic and continues to develop, and it is crucial for the government to continue its support, especially in nurturing start-ups.

Gibran mentioned a special start-up program in Solo where local banks help with initial capital to make it easier for young people to develop their businesses without assets that can be used as collateral. He highlighted the importance of providing access to capital without collateral for start-ups. Gibran also mentioned that this program can serve as a basis for the government to make it easier for players in the creative industry throughout Indonesia.

He emphasized the need to nationalize the program to benefit creative industry players nationwide.

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